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SEO and AI in 2024 — How to Make Thousands of Dollars Blogging (But First Reach 100 Followers, You Must.)

You like the title? “Now read big feller, I got no time to waste of yours”, said Yoda. At least you know no AI is dumb enough to be acting this silly (or is it?). Don’t trip on this human written content. Let’s dive deep into this with Sean(me) from Site Dominion.
SEO for DUMMIES Is — “A Paradox, Kind of Like How SUPERMAN From Krypton Is,” said Yoda.
I still remember, back in the day, when every ‘pundit’ (lol. pun-dit. Get it?) on the internet tried to sell us on the idea of creating content revolving around popular keywords, and quite literally, that is what the average Joseph Simpson Doh’ considered ‘SEO’. Fast forward to 2023 and things…well, things have gotten a bit out of hand to say the least. At least that’s my opinion (based on experiences and facts). So, what exactly do I mean by that?
Theoretically, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) has everything to do with optimizing your content to make it more ‘likable’ in the eyes of your audience.
Sounds pretty harmless, right? Working on improving your content quality in any shape or form sounds like a genuinely great idea, doesn’t it? After all, that is what our parents, teachers…